Like someone else said, there are louts everywhere (louts, great word, I haven't heard it used for a long time).

The best thing to do is let the rangers know if you see one that people are fishing on xyz stream by abc road. If the rangers don't care, there's not a lot you can do to help right there (write letters when you get home, but right then and there, not much you can do).

Also, remember it's also your vacation and your enjoyment. Just because a few others are breaking the rules and are louts (love that, much more polite than the phrase I had in mind), there's no need to dwell on it or let it ruin your time.

The poachers cannot be having a good time either looking over their shoulders to keep watch for a ranger with a ticket book in hand.

It's always beyond my comprehension when I see the selfishness and total disregard for the rules exhibited by some. The bright side to this is that most of us do respect authority and follow the rules and have an ethical perspective. It's the few bad apples that ruin it for the rest of us.
