I don't see a point in treble hooks for any fishing. This is just my opinion of course.

I fly fish mostly and enjoy it the most, however I still fish with a spinning or baitcasting rig at certain points. All of my lures have had their original treble hooks changed to a single barbless hook. I mostly fish catch and relese and do occationally keep a fish or 2 to eat and a always fish barbless. My reasoning is simple. Fishing has inherent risks and being impaled is one of them. It is much more easy to unhook myself with a barbless hook than a barbed one. Same goes for the fish, which is especially important while dealing with toothy or hard to handle fish.

As a side note: Since changing all hooks to single and barbless, I have found neither a gain or loss in holding power or hookup rate. I have no scientific proof of this, it is just my feeling after fishing both ways. I alwasy had good and bad days at actually hooking and landing fish, still do. Sometimes my timing is right other times it isn't but I don't believe the amount of points or the presence or barbs helps. I do believe the sharpness of the points is a big factor however. So whatever you use, make sure it is sharp.