in this apt called plumber had a leak. was flooding. he says try this and then flood came back .i took own carr to hardware store 3 $ reddo his 100$bill work. tolit broke he went to resevere and left me with new tolit,( was to have man next day) man didn't didn't come back i saw him a month latter he asked what day he should come and fix tolit. one month with out tolit if u can't fix it. tenet was happy i did it.
what would u doo with out tolit for a month?

next suite there is big hole 3 feet wide 2 feet tall and (taps in wall).
there aint need to cut a hole sink fell broke drain wall tiles came of cause of sink falling he cut support out for cubord too.

why would i call plumber i can do most work i have some tools like .big bills and damage's.
lernt redooing plumbers ways and folks say if me cant to it oh oh,

i hear tentents / boss say do it my way its done right way.
i gave up on plumbers let me at it first.

well betty do it u self u do it your way u can do look i need this write it down.
take old part in rag with u to hardware store take a photo.

choose own parts choose not to use quick fix parts,

u sit back and say job well don'e.

take a break . sit down if they compain u grab his neck one hand
outher on his bottom and stick him (horozontal)into cubord and then ask him see what i did today.

on those hose's i do em from the bottom i use stainsess steel hoses.
if that hose is on that pastic nut to hold tap on aint going over nut .( i learnt a tric to remove em)
pillow at sink edge helps and that plumbers wrench helps.

if u change a supply tap use new ball less valve that are compression fit dont solder on.