Considering most fishermen I know don't even clean their gear PERIOD; I expect there isn't a whole lot that will prevent this from spreading like wildfire. I've been cleaning my wading shoes for ever just because I feel they are worth taking care of. Most of my friends think I'm nuts for doing so. I can't imagine a change of heart just because of Didymo knowing how lazy people are about ANY maintenance of fishing gear.

It isn't just wading shoes either if you want to be positive you aren't spreading it. It's also the bottoms of your waders; or wading pants if you wet wade. I also wonder about leaders, flies, blood knots, etc.

How about those wading DOGS I complained about!

People don't clean up their litter; I doubt you will ever see more than 2% compliance with check, clean and dry; Rock Snot will be as common as discarded empty waiter bottles on our waterways.

Sorry for the apathy but that's how I see it.