Thanks for the answers. I thought I was one of a few doing some of these questions. Believe it or not
I questioned myself about these items, am I using the fly to long. I travel over one hour to fish when there are a few rivers close by not to my liking. Maybe I should get out for a while. (No I don't eat but the idea of a beer sounds good and I. will give it a try) An occasional partner has remarried after being widowed for some years. He married a woman MUCH YOUNGER than himself. I doubt if he will be fishing for a while, in fact I doubt if he will see the sun much for some time, or be in any condition to fish or play golf. (Sorry I just had to say that). Back to the questions, I carry two boxes, one larger and one small, large for streamers and small for midges. maybe I have to many different types, but I'll keep what I have. when someone enters the water near by and starts to catch fish after a few cast Its time to change. I have seen two rods being carried in, one left on the band and fishing with one. I don't know why either. How do I choose the next fly, well I ask what he is using to get a hit right away.

Thanks TonyC.