I was living 300 miles downwind in Spokane. That was the day I put in my last garden. It had straight rows and identified furrows with corn, chard, beans, radishes, beets, and some others. When I finished the garden I noticed the western sky turning black and thought "Great, I won't have to water." A few minutes later the ash started falling and covered my new garden with about 6-8 inches of warm gray talc. Spokane was virtually shut down for 3 days. Everyone was wearing those disposable breathing masks that look like a half bra, and they stretched pantyhose over the air intake on their cars. I didn't, and the ash killed my truck at 300,000 miles. BTW, that was the best garden I ever raised. Great crop that year. If you dig down into the topsoil around spokane, you can still see a layer of ash in places. It's down about 6-8 inches now.
Hard to believe it was over 27 years ago.