Here is a link to a local fly shops fishing report for RMNP, they update weekly... ... eports.htm

June is still early in the high country, so expect to still see a a lot of runoff. If the water is real high you might do better on the Big Thomson downstream of Estes, it's flow is controlled by the dam release. Inside the park there are all kinds of choices, it's hard to beat the post card beauty and serenity of Moraine Park, if you can beat the crowd factor.

Lots of choices if you are willing to hike a bit. It amazes me how many people drive halfway across the country to visit and then won't walk go more than 100' feet from the car! A 20' minute hike and you are aften pretty much alone.

One trick for avoiding crowds is to use the less crowded 'Wild Basin' entrance, about a 10 min. drive West of town on the road to Allenspark.

I wouldn't think of fishing in the park without some para-adams, in sizes 18 thru 12. I also do well with royal coachmans, trude style wing, size 16,14. A black ant pattern can be just the ticket when there is no hatch. Make sure you have a good stock of BWO patterns, both dry and nymphs. !2-14 inch fish are considered good size but you will find an occasional 20 incher, I like to use a 4wt rod with 5x or 6x tippet.

The fall river is pretty good fishing, so you might as well try some right out the front door. RMNP has some of the rare native greenback cutthrouts, one of the most colorful species of trout.

Make sure you bring adequate cloths, it snowed here last week above 8000 ft. June weather can be upredictable. It is not uncommon to have a 50-60 degree change in temperature in a 24 hour period. You can start the day in the 90's and end it in the 30's. The continental divide bisects the park, storms backup and spill over the ridge line with amazing speed. It can go from summer temperatures to winter chills in 15 minutes.