I am waiting for the Hot Buttered Popcorn or Fresh Baked Bread scent....no who could refuse that! Plus the butter wouls be some sort of water repelant wouldn't it!
We use to use a FOG MACHINE while playing and people would complain that the smoke was killing them, funny thing is, it wasn't smoke, it is more or less steam from oil like a humidifier. I kept thinking if they could come out with either of those scents in a fog, can you imagine what the Bar Kitchen would be doing! MONEY, MONEY!
Anyway, I use Zap-A-Gap for the heads of my flies and I haven't noticed any catch rate going down. Never even considered head cement. The one time I did fish for Bluegills, I will say I am happy I used head cement. Catching one on almost every cast, I don't think I could handle it if it did make a difference