I fish 99% of the time in fast river water. I fish for trout as well as bluegill, bass, etc. I use Sally Hanson on all my flies as head cement and I cannot say that I have had any problems with catching fish due to any odors on my flies. Now bug repellant, gasoline, oil, etc. are different stories. Fishing in still water like ponds could present a different case all together. The river current does a pretty good job of cleaning any odors from my flies. I do not use any special cleaning agents to wash my hands during fishing either. Maybe my body odor just smells like fish food!

To sum it up, there are some odors that will be offensive to fish and we should try to eliminate them if at all possible. In support of the article, pond fishing is different than river fishing. Two different types of water require two different styles of fishing.

Just my opinion and nothing more.