Thank you all for your responses. Both Amy and I are thrilled with them. I was so excited that I forgot to tell you all a little bit about Amy. Amy is not what I would call the real outdoors type. She doesn't hate it but she can take it or leave it if you know what I mean. She did like to go fishing with me when we dated in school though I suspect she liked the smooching better than the fishing and there was nothing wrong with that. She always makes good comments about the venison and pan fish I bring home. She is a top notch wild fish and game cook. She eats the wild game but cannot eat fish. She is catch and release for fish as she cannot bring hersef to kill them and that is one of the many things I love about her. She knows that sometimes the fish will die no matter how careful we are and that we keep them when that happens. Some years ago Amy was badly injured at work. She had three discs removed from her cervical spine and suffers daily pain along with nerve problems in her arm. Many times I have told her that fly fishing helps me to get some reliefe form my arthritic pain and helps me clear my mind of troubles. I think that appeals to her. I think she now has some understanding of what I mean when I say it's just you, the rod and the fish in a peaceful surrounding. I think she is also trying to deepen our realationship and I'm all for that too.
I need advice on how to keep her interest up and what lenght/weight/action of rod would help her given her medical condition (she was casting a 2pc. 9ft.5/6 wt fast action). I also need advice on a good casting video/dvd for her as my broken pinkee finger doesn't let me set a good example right now. Any advice from you dear folks would be of a great help right now.

Eric "nighthawk"

Your attitude determines your altitude!