Lucky man Nighthawk. I sure wish I could get the Lady of the House to go with me now and then. FFng isn't her cup of tea, even though she is an excellent athlete. (I quit playing tennis with here when she beat me 6-0, 6-0, 6-0 a few years ago!!)

One time several years ago, I was trying to learn to double-haul at a casting clinic. I didn't seem to "get it" and then she said, "you're not listening to the man." "Huh", sez I, "you do it then" handing her the rod. Bingo, she wings a cast out there 40 feet or so on the second try. Then she handed the rod back and said, "listen!". (It was a chilly drive back home that day I seem to remember.)

Snow on the roof but with fire still in the hearth