When I was young and inocent (just a few years ago) a close fishing buddy and I were watching TV and on the screen was this ad for the new and amazing Vibro Bat lure. Showed this guy with strings of huge fish, the fish just couldn't resist the lure and would jump right out of the water to get it if you dangled it over the water. We had to have one! We sent in some of our hard earned paper route money and when they arrived we rode our bikes down to our fishing hole and started casting these babies, drooling with the thought of huge strings of fish dangling from our handle bars on our ride home. We were going to be big stuff in the neighborhood, boy oh boy!...........you guessed it, no fish leaping to our blazing blue or red chromed Vibro Bats...eventually we lost them all on a snag...probably still down there, all bright and shinny. Device's like the fish getter in the ad here are to catch fishermen not the fish....I know.