Quote Originally Posted by Gnu Bee Flyer
I make radio controlled sailboats and speedboats. There are 30 of us in our boat club and each time we sail someone loses a boat , which is why you need a real boat standing by for retreival. If your using that toy it would be be because you don't have a real boat to fish from.
Ergo; sooner or later either the battery will die or you will push the limits and it will float out of radio range then your $250.00 will float away with it.

We have sailed lures out over 500 feet successfully then yanked them off the deck for reeling in. During one retrieval we had some dufus in a speed boat cross our lines. Oops lost 100 feet of line and a lure, luckily we didn't lose the boat.
One idiot even deliberately ran down one of our guys sailboat. $750.00 down the tubes.

Lastly one of our crowd decided to actually troll a small lure attached 100 feet behing his model speedboat. a large carp grabbed the lure and yanked the boat into Davy Jones locker. lol

I don't think we have anything to worry about from the precision caster.

THANKS! for giving me the LAUGH of the day!
You boat guys are funny funny!