I used to think it was only the bait chuckin', noodle roddin', center pin worshippin' low-lifes out to fill a creel (did I miss anyone?) who were the ones lacking any stream ethic or common courtesy, but in the last couple of years I also see too many fly fishers (unfortunately younger ones 18-25) who have the same degree of moral turpitude as the former group. This is why I have virtually stopped fishing for steelhead on my home waters in NE Ohio, and have spent more time focusing on summer species like smallies and river pan fish. There are a culture of steelheaders who seem to be cut from the same cloth as once-a-year hunters who target deer for a couple of days, and call themselves hunters.

Now I?ll show my age. In my day we were taught to respect our elders and always give way to them, as well as doing things like holding doors open and offering to lighten their load if they were carrying something. We referred to them as Mr. or Mrs. so-and-so, and our parents (who were considered ancient in our eyes) did the same as an example. When they spoke, we listened intently to their wisdom, and never dreamed of making fun of them. I remember my father when in his 70?s still referring to a 90-year-old neighbor as Mr. Kelly. I do the same today at age 56 because of the example I was shown. Who is giving the example today and what kind of example are they promoting? I?ME?MINE?TAKE?WIN AT ALL COSTS?HOARD?BRAG?SHOVE...SPONGE...

Enough time spent on this soapbox. I think we should be allowed to tazer these inconsiderate #&@^%%?s.

I Remain,
Joseph, the Opinionated.

(I have a brother in a wheelchair, so I get a little worked up on thids topic.)