That's a tough call. I appreciate your candor and upfront honesty. I may not be giving you the info you want, but I'm willing to share my knowledge. (limited as it is)
First of all, if you want the very best cane rod you can own, get ahold of Ron Kusse. He's a sponsor here, and may still be a moderator on the bamboo chat. He is quite simply the best. I am totally un-aware of his price ranges. You asked about a rod that would sell for around $800 or less. Denver Dave (Dave Collier sp) may be able to help. Google Denver Dave and I think it may take you to his site. You can invest in an inexpensive Japanese bamboo rod, but I fear they may still have a problem with glue. In which case your rod will come apart on you. Then there is Buddy Davis. He used to post here, and if you do a user search you may find him. He was known as 2-weight on the bulletin board. I have one of his rebuilt rods and absolutely love it.
Bamboo is not going to give you the fast paced rocket stroke of graphite. What it will give you is a connection with fly fishing that I think no other rod can duplicate. For some reason, I feel closer to the fish of my quest. I feel in touch with the current in the water I fish. When I fish with bamboo, I am fishing with something that was alive, and if caressed the way it should be, is still alive. When I fish with bamboo, I feel like I'm talking with the rod, asking questions of it and getting answers. When I fish with graphite, it's more like I'm giving orders and not listening.
I fish both graphite and bamboo. I enjoy both, but if I were forced to pick between the two, I'd have to go with the living rod; bamboo.
I hope what I've said here helps you. If you can get a chance to fish with a loner rod of bamboo, by all means do it. That will tell you more than any literature.
Good luck in your quest, and have fun whatever you decide.

A free gift waits for those who ask.
Lotech Joe