Well spoken REE. We can't do too much for returning Vets, that's for sure. Among our own here at FAOL, I personally know of a fly-fisher that volunteers at the local VA once a week after work teaching a fly tying class for those Vets that are interested. A couple of local businesses have dontated vises and materials and when some of the employees at the VA hospital heard of the program, they too began donating fly tying items. The interest group has grown and they have all the materials and tools they'll ever need.

More importantly, a Vet that isn't able to fly-fish, but that can learn to tye flys has something to look forward to each week. I hope the CBS fly fishing show airs and I hope that it generates other programs, fly fishing related or not, that give returning Vets something interesting to do to occupy their time in recovery/re-entry. And thanks again to the FAOL'ers among us that give freely of their time letting Vets know they're not forgotten.
