I don't think any sponsors carry the DanCraft line. You will need to go to his website (I think it's www.dancraftent.com). His blanks will be more money, but I think there is a 9 weight Sig V on sale right now for $50 or so. It isn't as fast as the FT. Dan is a nice guy and can help you get a kit set up with everything you need if you decide to go that route. His line used to go from Sig V to Sig III to the FT and went from lighter and moderate action to heavier and faster. He has the FTL in there now, too. I think an FT 6 weight will be in my future when I get the money together for it.
Batson is a sponsor, so to be precise, you are still supporting sponsors if you buy their product, even from someone else. RX8 blanks are listed as extra fast action.
I currently have an older model 3/4 Sig V that is my favorite rod. When you cast it, you can really put the line out there. Second favorite is an old model RX8 2 weight that casts like a dream also. I think either of these manufacturers will get you a terrific product for an outstanding price. And you can call either one and figure out exactly what you need to get to fill your requirements. They are all nice people from my experience.
I sent you a PM with some other info as well.