thanks folks

Did a wee bit of searching on BB's and strippers ....... yup - both a bit more if / of anything and everything in them both. But I figgure venturing out on new waters (new building projects) - you listen to those that have been there - and once you learn, you venture out from there and adjust if you so incline (like fly tying) .......

Well - BB's do seem to be a tad more desireable - but moreso for ..... dunno, prestige I guess. But strippers , easier to build and maintain ...... lots of plans available, assistance is about, bla, bla, bla ........ still not sold on making them (well, I am - but wife and kids won't ever see me .............).

Would be another road of adventure ... paddle the canoe you built, to use the bamboo rod you crafted to cast the fly you tied, that's held on by horse hair you braided ........ only thing missing is to catch the fish you raised
