
If you have a Male Ringneck Pheasant skin, then you can tie something similar to a PTN in red or yellow using the body feathers. Here's a pattern of mine tied up in red:

http://i55.photobucket.com/albums/g142/ ... sNymph.jpg

Tie on the thread, wrap to the rear tying in a brown copper rib (for the red version, normal copper for the yellow).
Bunch the feather together, and tie the tips over the bend for the tail. Then bring the thread forward, and wrap the feather forward around the shank, stopping where the thorax will begin. Hold the stem above the hook and tie off the abdomen, but do not trim yet. This will be the wing case. Since these feathers are red (or yellow) along the fibre, and change to a mottled brown near the base, try to get it so the wing case is in this brownish colour. Wrap the rib forward in the opposite direction that you wrapped the feather (you can bring the rib to the thorax to and add weight if you want). Dubb the thorax with a dark brown dubbing (seals fur, wool, etc). Wrap a partrige soft hackle and pull underneat for legs (you can also find nice soft hackle feathers on the wing of pheasant, which are a nice chesnut brown and would look really good too). Bring the wing case forward, tie off, trim, and form a small head, whip finish, cement, and fish.

I know this isn't dying, but it's one way to get a few colours other than brown, and still have something that is a pheasant based nymph. Also, I've not seen many recipies that call for these coloured feathers, so it's one good way to use them up.

- Jeff