Whew, somebody finally asked it! I've been thinking the same things ever since I started warm water fishing. I've been thinking more along the lines of bass though. I see all these brightly colored deer hair flies that look to me more like a gimmic than serious fly fishing. It seems there are more bass-specific flies than any other species. I've just recently started tying again a very long absence. I used to live in the Rockies so I tied only trout flies. Now I see so many other flies for warm water and I constantly ask myself "can't I just tie the trout flies I was used to doing and still catch as many fish? Or do I need to learn a ton of new patterns?" I understand the need for deer hair and foam poppers, but I'm talking more about the subsurface flies. Can I catch as many warm water fish on buggers as I could with a diver or other bass fly?