I have a 3wt 7'6" superfine by orvis. I beleive it weighs in at .5 OZ. I throw it all day and love the sucker. I have used it on many streams and and rivers from the Delaware, Beverkill, Battenkill, Farmington, and tons of no names, to ponds and lakes and never had a problem casting to get to fish. It is very soft but still has enough to punch out a roll cast when I need it. Sans wind I can reach a little more than 50' out with a long leader and a double taper. With wind I either wade closer or wait to cast inbetween gusts. I can honestly say I have never wished it was heavier, faster, or longer while fishing. I don't know if I would like something lighter, but I have never tried either. This is one of 2 rods I still have in my possetion and the other is a 9 wt for salmon, steelhead, and saltwater. I'd like a few others to fill in the gap, but again have never actually needed them. It is only a want. So an extra rod in a 2 wt. You may just build yourself a new love. Goodluck with it.