Hey Phil,

(Good to see you on the board.)

Those stabilizers could come in REAL handy should you need to perform a deep water re-entry.

Do they put a rudder of any sort on those. I didn't see where you could feasibly put one.

I like my rudder for fishing windy days and currents. Keeps you on drift longer without having to pick up the paddle as much to adjust.

By the way, have any of you tried/practiced a deep water re-entry in your kayak? If not, why not!? Something you may want to know if you can or cannot do without some sort of stabilizer.

They have inflatable floatation devices that fit over the end of your paddle then you hook the paddle to your kayak to make a makeshift stabilizer. Could save a life.

A makeshift stirrup could also come in handy for people with weak upper body strength to weight ratio. Like me and my two bad shoulders.

Poor Chinese man fishing near Tampa/St. Pete had a heart attack struggling to get back in his kayak a couple of weeks ago after tipping over. Of course he also spent precious time trying to round up all his stuff first. FORGET THE STUFF ... you can buy more stuff once you save your life.

HEY ... be careful out there ... OK!?