Here is a spider version
Pheasant Tail Spider & variations
Hook 16, 14 or 12.
Tying Thread :- Brown or orange (Pearsall?s No. 17 or 6A).
Hackle :- Blue dun, ginger, coch-y-bondhu, honey dun, furnace or dark brown.
Game bird hackles such as woodcock may also be used.
Body :- Three pheasant tail herls twisted together and wound as a rope.
Rib :- Fine gold wire. ... 3cf_1b.jpg

And here is a West Country version
Pheasant Tail

Hook: 0,1. or 14.


Body: Cock (male) pheasant tail fibres, ribbed gold wire.

Hackle & Whisks: Golden dun cock (male chicken) or (c) any hackle. ... d24_1b.jpg

You could do a version of the West Country using a softhackle,
you would then have a flymph.
I have just realised that is one I don't have on the site.