My household insurance covered me when someone broke into my truck and stole My Wal mart rods and reels. I had 3 of the $50.00 rod-reel-line-tippet outfits in the truck . You know, the cheapest combos you can buy. As well as the cheapo's there were two more expensive outfits in there. They also stole an expensive camera and some binoculars which made it worthwhile to pay the deductable and put in a claim. I added the fishing stuff to the list. It was all covered in the insurance.

I was surprised to find that they left my Dragonfly and my Sage rods were left behind. I assume it was because the thieves were drawn to the brighter colors of the el cheapo wally world rods.

I used to have an MG Midget automobile with a Fabric top. Three times someone broke in by slicing the top so they could open the door to steal the absolutly nothing that I used to leave in the car. The stupid part is that you can just unzip an MG from the outside, you don't have to cut a hole in it.

Crooks may be nasty , but they sure aren't very smart.

I hope your Household insurance covers your loss.