FAOL member Grump kindly sent me the list I was asking about.
Jerry's final comments from the final show.

1.. Take your dad fishing or your mom fishing. Heck with this take your kid fishing--take your dad fishing!

2.. When no one is around to hear you, sing to your dog. It does wonders for your soul

3.. In your lifetime of fishing catch at least one of the three ulitmate fish, a snook, steelhead trout, or a smallmouth bass.

4.. Never kill a fish, or any animal for that matter, unless you intend to eat it

5.. Set aside at least two minutes every day when you don't say anything and you don't hear anything. Be funny every chance you get, and by all means be responsible

6.. Here we go-- Last but not least, I want you to get ready for things to happen just exactly like they are supposed to