Go with the adjustable Float Tube Force Fins. They only come in one size and they work great. I've had mine for several years now and they are made to last, work well and well worth the $$$.

They are available from Cabela's
[url=http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jhtml?id=0011322312111a&type=product&cmCat=se arch&returnString=hasJS=true&_D%3AhasJS=+&QueryTex t=force+fins&_DARGS=%2Fca%20belas:d79a6]http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/templates/links/link.jhtml?id=0011322312111a&type=product&cmCat=se arch&returnString=hasJS=true&_D%3AhasJS=+&QueryTex t=force+fins&_DARGS=%2Fc abelas[/url:d79a6] %2Fen%2Fcommon%2Fsearch%2Fsearch-box.jhtml.22&N=4887&Ntk=Products&Ntx=mode+matchall &Nty=1&Ntt=force+fins&noImage=0&returnPage=sear ch-results1.jhtml

By the way I use the crappiest pair of wading shoes I could find with my neoprene bootied waders and have no problem using the Force Fins. I just sprung for a pair of the new Chota Kick Boot Booties, (say that three times fast), but haven't received them yet to review.

[This message has been edited by Bamboozle (edited 10 June 2005).]