A "Pulling Feathers" story:

When I was 18, (just a few years ago ) We were on a deer lease in Del Rio that had tame turkeys running around the ranch yard. After watching the tom strut around and spread his tail for the better part of a week, I figgered one of these feathers would look real good in the band of my cowboy hat.
Now remember, these are tame birds, so it was no problem to walk up to em at any time. I waited and watched until he commenced his strut again, then walked up behind him and grabbed ahold of his tail. Right in the middle.
You never heard such a ruckus. That tom probably figgered it was dinner time and he was invited as the main course. He didn't want to be where I was and wanted everybody in the county to know it.
He's trying to fly off, I'm determined to get them feathers, and neither one of us is givin' up 'til he wins.
That big bird dragged me about 6 feet forward and through a half circle before them tail feathers let go. (At that time, I was close to 6 feet tall, but only weighed about 140 pounds.)
Once he got loose, he ran off and went into hiding for about an hour. My Dad asked me what the he... (you get the idea) I had done THIS time, and I showed him the 3 some what mangled feathers. He just shook his head.
A little while later we saw that tom out in the ranch yard again. I know it's the same one, cause when he started his strut again, there was a 3 feather gap in it.
Right in the middle.
