tk- that may be the problem. The hackle on the EHC should be undersized for the hook... that means if you're using a 14 hook, the hackle size for the EHC should be a 16, not a 12. The hackle on an EHC should extend just beyond the hook point. This will make the hook shank of the EHC ride parallel to the water.

Mayfly patterns on the other hand, like an Adams, use hackles matched to the hook size, so a size 14 Adams would take a size 14 hackle. The hackle on an Adams typically extend about 1 1/2 shank of the hook to the hook point. That will make the Adams ride cocked up on the hackle at the front of the hook.

Here's a picture of an Elk Hair Caddis from the FAOL archives, to get a better idea: ... 9fotw.html

And here's a link to picture of an Adams for comparison, the picture at the bottom of this link will make the longer length of the hackle clearer I think: ... art18.html

hope this helps,
