Quote Originally Posted by tk
I need help getting my flies more boyant. I feel they should ride higher longer. Not sure if more dubbing or more dry hackle or both. Any sugestions would be great.
If you arent sure whether or not you are tying them right, then check this page out http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytyin ... art24.html

Good hackle makes a difference for sure, but also make sure you are tying it correctly. Actually on my EHC, I try to use less dubbing, but thats my personal preference (or even peacock herl). I have goofed a few EHC and ended up with flies that didnt quite work right. A floatant will help out as well. In the end though, without actually seeing one of your flies, I can't really tell what seems to be causing your problem.

As an afterthought, I frequently use more hackle than most people do on EHC...and the fish dont seem to mind a bit