I have a Loomis Streamdance Metolius Presentation, 8' 3 wt. I bought it primarily for trout or panfish, but have landed bass up to 2 lbs. with it. Very nice rod, medium action. Close in action to my 8' 4 wt. Winston WT, perhaps slightly faster. I use an SA Mastery Trout series WF line on it and have been quite happy with it. However, when I purchased the line, it had been placed on the spool backward, so of course I ended up with it backward on my reel. That is, with the running line tied to the leader. The first time I tried fishing with it, I was lucky to get out a 30 ft. cast, and with no accuracy at all. Being pretty disgusted, I took it back to the store and got a refund on the rod. I tried the GLX version with the same results. I finally took a look at the line and realized what I had done. Once switched around, either rod cast like a dream. I went back and picked up the original rod and have used it happily ever since.
