Quote Originally Posted by mcmutt
Not placing any of the blame at all on Z, just stating my case, SM. And trying to straighten out a few points. Taking my lumps as they come, as I said. Wasn't trying to modify anything, just trying to make things right & wasn't getting a response, except in a BB post accusing me of fraud.
My entire post was in response to the following:

"Was it bad for business?? Of course it was, but my family comes first, and given the choice of angering a few people or feeding my family & putting a roof over their heads?? No question, family wins every time."

The choice was between making good on your word or "feeding (your) family." And by the rationale you used, one could excuse stealing and murder in the name of "taking care of my kids." And I am saying a man of honor:

1. doesn't put himself in this situation, and if he does he begs for mercy
2. doesn't hide his shortcomings behind his pregnant wife

Sorry you misunderstood the more displomatic approach I took the first time.