Quote Originally Posted by dudley
I use an 8wt.
I don't need it to throw poppers, I need it for the waters that I fish.
I like to fish the weed choked little ponds in my area, spots where bassin' guys fear to go.
When a bass hits a popper in these kind of places you've got to get control immediately. A rod with some backbone will help you turn a fish better then a light rod. If you try to "play" the fish on a light rod, you'll end up with nothing but a ball of weeds on your hook.
I fish for river smallmouth with a light rod, but in the weeds an 8wt is the right tool for the job.
I agree. I have caught bass in clear water on a 3wt using smaller flys. But if there is any cover, or wind, which we get allot here in the Midwest, it makes no sense to me to try and throw a big fly on a light rod. I don't consider myself any less the fisherman/sportsman when I uncase the 8wt. But to each his own.