For fishing for bass an panfish, I usually have at least two rods rigged and ready to go.

On foot, I will have one in hand and on strapped to a pack or slung across my back and stored fully rigged in one Dan Blanton's Rigged and Ready Rod bags.

In a float tube, on in hand and the other in fly rod holder.

In a boat, as many as six, on in hand and the other's stored rigged and ready in the aforementioned rod bags. I'd take more rods but I have yet do fish from a craft that had room.

The specific combination of rigs will vary on conditions but may include 6 to 10wt rods fitted with various lines. Line setups may include floaters, intermediates, sink tips, integrated lines (teeny, streamer express, etc.) and shooting heads of various densities including leadcore and tungsten heads for deep presentations. Rod lengths vary from 7.5 to 9ft. I wish there were more choices in short 8 and 9wt rods for use in tight, close quarters conditions.