Nice to meet you all, I look forward to next year. I almost forgot to mention Friday nights fish, 20" brown from one of the more notorious pools on the Beaverkill, on a Green Drake. I was down to my last green drake fly, the first two fish, (both quite large) broke me off just as I was about to net them. All eyes were on the first one, as he came out of the water twice, twisting and turning, what a beautiful site. Anyway down to my last green drake pattern, I only saw a few green drakes and a couple coffin flies, and they were taken immediately. I took my time and brought my first big brown to hand, shook hands with him and made sure he was ok, then said goodbye, I didn't have the heart to keep him any longer for a picture, which I am kicking myself for now. I met a very kind gentleman that night who has been fishing this pool since 1935, we scouted out this big fish and he spent over an hour watching me fish and chatting, he wasn't fishing that night but we got along so well he decided to scramble down the rocks and hangout me fish, what a treat. This fish had broken him off two weeks earlier, unfortunately he had to leave before I caught the fish. Thanks Walt, he's still there waiting for you. None of the other 8 guys at the head of the pool were catching fish or if they were they were small. The big fish I was catching were taking the large pattern green drakes, and I could hear what the others were tying on and it was nothing large, I didn't give my secret away. I also met another famous fly fisherman while scouting a pool, Art Lee. Thursday night while scouting a pool on the lower BeaverKill, we proceeded to chat for over an hour where he asked me if I would care to join him on the East Branch. I had never fished the E. Branch and eagerly followed. I didn't realize at the time whom I was speaking with or who I was about to fish with, talk about lucky!! What an amazing trip, I will be talking about this one for the rest of my life. Art showed me some great spots to fish, which I was sworn to secrecy, and said he would send a signed copy of his book, I can't wait to sit down and read it.
I Caught two nice browns on Cairns Pool on Saturday morning on a march brown emerger on my first few casts, then the fish shut down for the afternoon, it was time for lunch anyway and head for home to see the wife and kids.

[This message has been edited by boom2it (edited 07 June 2005).]

[This message has been edited by boom2it (edited 07 June 2005).]