Hi folks, RW here

I'll be sending in all the pics with captions from the Roscoe fish-in tommorrow. I am sure I got at least one picture of everyone that attended the fish-in at some time during the week. It was a great time, good weather all 6 days, so all activities went as planned. Eventually this photo shoot will be placed in the archives with past fish-ins so it can be perused any time for those that might want to attend a future affair. There is no better way to get to really know the FAOL family than to attend one of these get-togethers. Often, life-time friendships are made at these fish-Ins so you might want to click on Fish-Ins in the index at the left of your screen and check on some of the past conclaves.

Later, RW

"We fish for pleasure; I for mine, you for yours." -James Leisenring on fishing the wet fly-