Lefty, Ed and Mark do not call it the "Stab", that was used by Lefty years ago and he told me the term confused his students. It is still the same efficient style of casting that has been arround since the early 1970's.

I use this style for almost all of my fly casting with wind and heavy flies. Try it with a 3wt or 4wt and weighted flys. It is also very efficent for longer distances.

This is an interesting technique that is very different than the "Straight Line Path of the Rod Tip" that so many have preached for years.

Stand at 45 degrees to the target, with RH caster, the left foot is forward, back cast slightly side arm or about 45 degrees, the back cast ends with a sharp speed up and stop, shoot line on the back cast, the forward cast begins very slowly with a gradual acceleration to the final presentation. The final speed up and stop can be at 11:00 o'clock to horizontal at 9:00 o'clock just be certain you have a quick and short speed up and stop. The forward cast can be side arm or vertical over the casters shoulder, they all work fine. The only straight line path in this style is the caster's hand,,,,the hand travel back to front should be straight line,,,,not the rod tip.
