I was able to make the Fish-In (my 1st)for 3 days. Wed, Thurs, and Friday.

Although the fishing conditions were not the best (Low/Clear Water), My friend John and I were able to catch quite a few fish (most in the 12-16" catagory).

Thurs. nite we attended the BBQ, met other FAOL members and were able to BS like long time aquatinces. No snobs, just nice folks!

Like I said the fishing was challenging. The fish were doing things I never seen before, like rising once to take a fly and then darting 20ft away after the take. This made it almost impossible to cast to a rise. Very few fish rose more than once in the same spot... Wet flies (which I love to fish) seemed to be flat out refused.

On Friday, right before dusk was another high point for me , when I served up a size 10 grey fox and had an 18"+ butter belly pounce on it. After a nice battle I was able to get it in and release it.

We broke camp from Roscoe campsites Sat. morning 6am and wound up fishing the west branch of the Del. River. Fishing conditions there were even worse.
First time in my life I was ever able to walk across that river from the Pa. side to the NY side.
My buddy John managed to land a 19" brownie and a few others of smaller size, while I went hit-less for the morning dispite my best efforts. Ya win some/Ya lose some...lol

All in all we had a great time, and a special thanks to the guy who went outta his way to play Host for the Fish-In. That would be Zebco.......opps, I mean Allan.

PS: forgot to mention the wildlife sightings, Beaver, Mink, Bald Eagle,Osprey, Balt. Oriole

Note: Anyone who opps to sit home instead of making a fish-in is missing a great time!

[This message has been edited by Smernsky (edited 05 June 2005).]

[This message has been edited by Smernsky (edited 05 June 2005).]