Two things that are a bane (woe - harm) for a person is to either build a swimming pool, or a cabin retreat.

Constructing either one, will cause you nothing but grief, when finished. Co-workers, distance friends-relatives -neighbors who never talked to you in the twenty years you lived in your house, will all show-up at your doorstep. You will end up running a motel/resturant, entertaining everyone who all of a sudden, decide that you are their Best Friend (Relative). Forget about any quiet time alone with your cabin or pool, it will not happen.

Been there, done that, and learned my lesson.

~ Parnelli

Down in the meadow in a little bitty pool
Swam three little fishies and a mama fishie too
"Swim" said the mama fishie, "Swim if you can"
And they swam and they swam all over the dam

[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 04 June 2005).]