Hey Rawfish
To your questions.
1. I would say no. I didn't, and still don't, have any graphite experience. The experience you would gain from graphite could just as easily be gained re-furbishing bamboo rods. I think a lot of it is just practice, and some things (like wrapping) you can practice without a rod.
2. I got a lot of information by asking questions here, and by using the search function on this BB. A lot of what I needed to know was already discussed. There is another website, http://www.bamboorodmaking.com/, whose tips section is useful. Another good resource is the classic rod forum. There is a restoration book out there that is supposed to be re-released soon. Its by Michael Sinclair and is called the Bamboo Rod Restoration Handbook. I'm sure its has some great information, but can't say first hand.
3. I think you could make due with a clear table and somewhere to store everything. I live in an apt and work out of my kitchen/dining room table, and use this guy to store it all and do my wraps. It would be nice to have more space...nice, but not necessary.