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I wish I could say it was my 10cent popper. I tweeked and tuned it for 6-7 years before I knew I was done.

Hook..1/0 mustad 3407
Body..foam plug cut from lobster bouy foam with a 5/8" copper tube, then trimed and melted to shape
Tail.. bucktail and flash, whipped into a bunch and then glued in a hole melted in the rear of the body

Cheap and simple, but most often it doesn't work nearly as well as a gurgler

My squid fly works better than it should, as it is much less involved that most other squid flys.
Think a big deceiver only with a long, full, multi color collar and church window feathers tied in for eyes at the hook bend.
It works extremely well.
No one is more suprised than me