gary and meadowlark both have made some very good points and you should consider many of them seriously.

I'd add that if going the LMB bluegill combination that it'd be the best bet to stock fathead minnows ONLY for the first growing season in order to establish a predator free breeding population. After the breeding population is established and BGs and LMBs are added, the predation pressure from the bass will be split among BGs and fatheads. Many people add everything at the same time and in most cases, the minnows are eradicated before establishing a breeding population, thus 1) costing more money to continue supplemental stockings of minnows and/or 2)decreased growth rates during the early years of the fishery.

Also, I have heard of hatcheries installing 'maggot racks' during the growing season for supplemental feeding. These are homemade floating structures with cages designed to hold rotting meat items (roadkill works well and is free)just above the surface of the water. How it works is the rotting flesh draws flies which eventually leads to maggots and given a little wind or an overabundance in numbers, maggots will fall into the water below. The best design allows for the cage to be in a desired location over water with adequate depth. In other words, it should be out from the bank a ways. Maggots=high protein and high protein=excellent body condition