Geez, my neck of the woods is already swarmin' with moose. I've been seeing them daily since the snow started. We have a population of a dozen that lives right in the area year-round, and during bad weather more move thru from over Cameron Pass. They have so far been very good neighbors, with the exception of a few times they've startled disc golfers, snowshoers, XC skiers and such--and terrorized some unruly dogs who deserved it (my dog runs away if she so much as smells a moose now).

DShock, FlyGoddess -- THANKS for your moose! We enjoy having them around, and there's not so many yet that people are hitting them with cars.

My understanding is that folks up on Grand Mesa actually requested the study and then the moose from our state wildlife folks. They found it could be a viable, self-sustaining population, so here they come, via airmail!