
I feel your pain. Right now I'm having a similar dilemma with a 7'0" 4 weight.

It could be the line you're using, the rod or you.

Great help aren't I?

In my case switching fly lines improved things and the line the helped the best, (so far) is the Sci Anglers XPS double taper not the WF.

The reason the DT helped is that the front taper is shorter on the DT versus the WF and that helps load the rod better at shorter distances. I bought an DT2F XPS for my 2 weight for the same reason but I haven't tried it yet. Another option is to buy a GPX line from Sci Anglers that is a half size heavier so a 2 weight would actually be a 2.5 weight line.

Unfortunately experimenting with fly lines isn't cheap but I personally don't like overlining rods. I'm sure you didn't buy a 2 weight to fish a 4 weight line.