Al is no longer with us, but those who come after us, will still have Al's written word to read and learn from. I will be among the first to by Al's Book when it is finally published. Books are a "Paying Forward" form of sharing. It is too bad, that I will not be able to get it autographed by Al, like he did my copy of his "Beginners Fly Tying" series, when I brought it with me to the 1999 South Dakota Fish-In (that Al Campbell hosted).

At the moment I am copying and pasting everything Al has ever submitted to FAOL (it is all over the place down in the archives), when I am finished I will offer a CD to anyone interested, free of cost, no "Free Will" offering will be accepted for this CD. I am doing this CD, for my mentor (Al Campbell), who never thought of cost when he was helping me.

~ Parnelli

Down in the bottom of the Itty Bitty Pool.
Swam Three Little Fishies, and a Mommy Fishy too.
"Swim", said the Mommy Fishy, "Swim if you can!"
And they, swam swam, all over the Dam.

Boop Boop Ditta Datta Watta Shoo....
Boop Boop Ditta Datta Watta Shoo....
Boop Boop Ditta Datta Watta Shoo....
And they, swam swam, all over the Dam

[This message has been edited by Steven H. McGarthwaite (edited 09 May 2005).]