You state that you purchase material and flies from the tier who lives close to you. This tier was suppose to put you on the class list and either forgot to or did not for some other reason. The way I see it you have 2 ways to respond to this:

1. If you wish to continue to have access to the materials and flies from the tier that lives close to you then I would confront this person and remind him that since he had forgotten to put you on the class list and the class was going to be at his home, could you at least stop in and just watch and observe the class. You may not be taking a lesson, but, you could take notes and learn a lot from observing. You could offer to bring some snacks/drinks for the class also. This would let the tier down the road from you know that you are hurt that you were left out, but, man enough to not "blow up" at him but to offer a solution that would be agreeable to you.

2. If you have another source for the material and flies which you purchase from the tier down the road and do not care if you two have a "falling out", then you could just let the tier down the road know exactly how you feel and tell them that you will no longer do business with them. If you do this, you will no longer have access to their flies and material and probably no longer have a good fly tier "friend" who lives close to your home.

If you choose #1 you will still have a good fly tier who lives close to your home where you can continue to purchase flies and material from. They may not be as good of a "friend" as you thought, but, you will now know this and still have access to their supplies and still be speaking to each other.

There was a time in my life that if this had happened to me I would have lost control and let this person know exactly how I felt and broke ties with them even if it meant that I would have to purchase my future supplies from a catalog. I have now learned to not expect others to treat me like I would treat them and to just let things happen and continue on with my life and try and get along with everyone but to expect nothing in return from them. That is why I have been accused of being a loner, but, I can trust myself and I can sleep at night and continue to set the example and be at peace.

The above are only my opinions and nothing more.

I wonder if this is how Ann Landers got started?