OK. boys and girls--let's positively nail down the date for the Florida Fish-In. Lots of folks are ambivalent, and some prefer early March.

So, how about we make it the week of March 4? Several of you have already said "I'm in!" Please confirm your intentions ASAP, with requests for camping or motel info, so that Kevin and I can make the whole thing work as smoothly as possible. Sure, there undoubtedly will be glitches, but we'll try to keep 'em to a minimum.

Once we have a pretty good idea of number of people, where they'll be staying, etc., we can set up Party Central and work out the fishing part of the deal.

If anyone needs casting instruction for saltwater, we'll need to know that too, so we can try to do a quickie seminar. If you want guides, book 'em sooner rather than later because that's a very busy time of year. Ditto if you want to rent yaks.

Tight Loops,