Why is it that in fly fishing it is always the same "fight" between dry fly fisherpersons and wet fly fisherpersons? Why can't we all just fish the way we want to and enjoy it and leave the other person alone? I fished bass tournaments for 30+ years before turning to fly fishing and never heard this bickering going on between the spinnerbait fishermen and the crankbaiter or the plastic worm fishermen and the surface bait fishermen. We all fished our way that worked for us and left the other person alone. Maybe you all are just "picking" on each other in fun and I am taking it wrong. I fish with a wet fly or a nymph and that's the way I enjoy my fishing. I really fish for the peace and quiet of the river and have tried the dry and do not enjoy it as much as nymphing. Let's just all enjoy our way for as long as we can because the way the human race is treating the environment our streams will not be with us for long and all of this peace and quiet and fun will be gone. Just my opinions.
