Gnu Bee Flyer: I understand writer's perogative, but don't see that makes any difference here. I also did not intend to villify Dave Micus in my post other than he should familiarize himself with local regulations after having recently moved to MT. The same can be said for every person fishing in the state - particularly fishing guides. I have read several of his articles in the past and enjoyed them. In reading the article at issue, Dave indicated it was not himself, but his guide who was fishing for bull trout. If Dave and his guide were fishing the single river in Montana where bull trout fishing is allowed with a permit, they can respond and say so. However, for Dave not to know the name of that river would be surprising as it is clearly posted along the way. On the other hand, for guides to intentionally, and illegaly, fish for bulls in the state is unfortunately not uncommon. While I can appreciate the excitement of catching a bull trout accidentally while fishing for other fish, those who fish for them intentionally just because no one is around to see it should not be allowed to fish at all in the state, much less make a living of it.