Let me put in a good word for Joe. He has been a very generous and sharing person/angler/caster, witness the work he puts in for the Long Beach Casting Club. Years ago, when the Internet fly fishing venue was FF@, and JC/LF hadn't even begun hosting FBN at AOL, I found myself at loose ends over a weekend in LA. Through FF@ I got in touch with Joe and had a delightful time watching/playing with the Long Beach casters. A bonus was Per Brandin was competing in a baitcasting tournament, 1/8oz if I recall, using a cane stick of his own design and a Meek with extremely low spool inertia.

Re Bob Marriott's emporium, I have visited that location when it was still Dale's. It really is an emporium, and not just a store. Bob brought a level of business professionalism to fly fishing retailing that was scary. One of the things he institutionalized was customer service from each member of his staff. Much as I love to visit the Fisherman's Spot, Mike Scott's, etc. anytime I'm in LA, the emporium is a must-visit for me.
