
I'm in the 'not worth the trouble' zone on this one. The stuff is cheap and trying to save that last little bit seems not worth the time to me. It still goes a very long way, probably 3-4 months of fly tying applications as well as the other uses I have for it. At around $2 a bottle, that's quite a deal IMHO.

I still use plain old lacquer for most of my head cement chores. I like that it CAN be thinned to whichever consistancy I prefer quickly and easily, and it's so inexpensive as to be almost free (the quart I bought at the paint store for $9 five years ago has been used on many thousnads of flies, and I've got well over 80% of it left, most of what I've 'used' I've 'spilled'-stuff goes a LONG way...)

In any event, CAs, epoxies, contact cements, lacquers, all have varying applications to our craft. I wouldn't be without ANY of them.

Good luck!
